Thursday 14 April 2011

Life Sans College

Been feeling a bit like this today:

About a month ago I received the grades I needed for my top university choice and made the decision to drop-out of my third year a couple of months early in order to work and earn some money for next year.

I already had one part-time job that let gave me ten hours per week so I found another job to go with it. The great thing about this new job is that it is incredibly flexible - I get a phone call every Sunday night with a list of the available shifts for the coming week and I can pick and choose which ones I wish to do as I like. Brilliant. Brilliant, at least, until the pickings are slim and I only end up with one or two shifts per week.

This isn’t really a problem at the moment as my friends are all on their Easter breaks and more free time means more time to see them. However, I can’t help worrying that, in a couple of weeks, when they all go back to university or college, I am going to be left a little bored.

Now, I’m not really someone who deals well with being bored. Boredom, for me, tends to lead to twenty-four hour days of coffee and mild madness, so, in order to arrive at university as sane as I have ever been, I feel a few personally-set goals of things that I wish to achieve over the next few months might make for a slightly more productive life...

1. Keep writing.

By updating this blog and continuing with some of the half-finished scraps of ideas I have floating around the place, I can make sure that I arrive at university without having lost the ability to make notes or write essays which would be just a tad devastating.

2. Read.

I’ve been ignoring the list of books I want to get through to do my auditions and my exams, but I’m now back to devouring books as regularly as possible and even have an idea of one I’d like to turn into a stage play. Term three at Exeter maybe? :)

3. Be a little more active.

I’m not exactly a ‘couch potato’ but I know I don’t do enough, and it’ll certainly keep me busy.

4. Go to Paris.

One of my ultimate goals this summer is to go to Paris for a few days as I’m aware it will be the last summer I ever have where I’m not terrified about money, well, I am a bit even this summer, but I don’t care, I want to go to Paris! :P

5. See some theatre.

I am about to go off and study drama and will feel like a fraud if I don’t get out to see some decent theatre this summer.

6. Organise life into boxes.

I’m becoming more and more aware that I need to start deciding which parts of my life need to come with me to university ad what can get left behind, both in practical and sentimental terms. As someone who likes to be prepared for everything, the idea of having to make definite decisions about stuff that I will not need just seems scary.

That is all I can come up with at the moment, but if anyone else has an epiphany, leave for me as a comment :)

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