Wednesday 18 May 2011


I have tumblr now because they're better than google blogging spaces, so, find me on it if you give a crap [I won't be offended if you don't].

Friday 13 May 2011

Just A Quick Note On Kate Middleton's Plagiarism...

I wasn't a HUGE follower of the royal wedding...but I am a child of Disney...

That is all :P

Sunday 1 May 2011

Starved Life...

A sense of value

Placed on objects frail

Makes men’s’ minds frail as shell.

But if, as matter,

I mattered to my mind,

In my mind would all be well?

by Alice Chalk 01-05-2011

Tuesday 26 April 2011


Losing grasp of what's important,
Just wandering without thought,
Has left you sat, upset with me.
My breath keeps getting caught
As my mind wanders back to you.
Each second we're apart
It's growing clearer: you see distance
Whilst I see you in my heart.
A cliche of age-old sayings
Won't help to right this wrong,
But I hope that you'll forgive me
When you sit and read this song...

Thursday 21 April 2011

The drinker with the writing problem...


High-rise fences in the mind

Attack and block and leave behind

Blurred prints on perfect porcelain

Where she will never let you in.

Can’t throw open gates of gold

And risk reopening scars of old,

Must sit content in solitude,

Whate’er you do, does little good.

She has thoughts in which to drown

To keep from ever looking down

At lowly mortals, struggling on,

She marches to a different song;

A sweet, rebellious affair

Leads to beliefs that she is heir

To all the Kingdom at her feet,

Now’s not the time for looking sweet.

The smile cracks, the teeth are bared

And secrets die before they’re shared.

She’s so afraid to lose her throne

She’ll push you, so she’s left alone.


I shouldn't be allowed to write at 4am really...mostly because I'll read it in the morning and it won't be very good...

Thursday 14 April 2011

Life Sans College

Been feeling a bit like this today:

About a month ago I received the grades I needed for my top university choice and made the decision to drop-out of my third year a couple of months early in order to work and earn some money for next year.

I already had one part-time job that let gave me ten hours per week so I found another job to go with it. The great thing about this new job is that it is incredibly flexible - I get a phone call every Sunday night with a list of the available shifts for the coming week and I can pick and choose which ones I wish to do as I like. Brilliant. Brilliant, at least, until the pickings are slim and I only end up with one or two shifts per week.

This isn’t really a problem at the moment as my friends are all on their Easter breaks and more free time means more time to see them. However, I can’t help worrying that, in a couple of weeks, when they all go back to university or college, I am going to be left a little bored.

Now, I’m not really someone who deals well with being bored. Boredom, for me, tends to lead to twenty-four hour days of coffee and mild madness, so, in order to arrive at university as sane as I have ever been, I feel a few personally-set goals of things that I wish to achieve over the next few months might make for a slightly more productive life...

1. Keep writing.

By updating this blog and continuing with some of the half-finished scraps of ideas I have floating around the place, I can make sure that I arrive at university without having lost the ability to make notes or write essays which would be just a tad devastating.

2. Read.

I’ve been ignoring the list of books I want to get through to do my auditions and my exams, but I’m now back to devouring books as regularly as possible and even have an idea of one I’d like to turn into a stage play. Term three at Exeter maybe? :)

3. Be a little more active.

I’m not exactly a ‘couch potato’ but I know I don’t do enough, and it’ll certainly keep me busy.

4. Go to Paris.

One of my ultimate goals this summer is to go to Paris for a few days as I’m aware it will be the last summer I ever have where I’m not terrified about money, well, I am a bit even this summer, but I don’t care, I want to go to Paris! :P

5. See some theatre.

I am about to go off and study drama and will feel like a fraud if I don’t get out to see some decent theatre this summer.

6. Organise life into boxes.

I’m becoming more and more aware that I need to start deciding which parts of my life need to come with me to university ad what can get left behind, both in practical and sentimental terms. As someone who likes to be prepared for everything, the idea of having to make definite decisions about stuff that I will not need just seems scary.

That is all I can come up with at the moment, but if anyone else has an epiphany, leave for me as a comment :)

Tuesday 12 April 2011


This Hugh Laurie singing his original composition "Mystery" on "A Bit of Fry and Laurie".

I think it's amazing to see how this man's career progressed, more so than any of the Cambridge Footlights group he graduated with, from being half a querky British comedic duo to being one of the best known television actors internationally.

Anyway, enough rambling, just thought I should share this :)

Wednesday 6 April 2011


Stop chewing the bread of woe and have a success pie.

Very little to say, I just felt like updating everyone with something you probably haven't seen but definitely should have :)
That is all.

Please note: This is an original song by Charlie McDonnell [aka: charlieissocoollike] and I take no credit for it, I just wanted to share it.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Motivationless Moment

Noticed a distinct lack of motivation today. The past week has been spent auditioning at and surrounding myself with the place I hope to make my home next year. The week before this was taken up with a production that took a lot of effort, a lot of rehearsal and ended up being very successful.

Now I'm at college, in a third year, spending the majority of my time doing a subject that was a back-up option and that I can't find my heart in. The grades I get this year shouldn't hold any sway over whether I get where I want to be next year or not. So what's the point?
I'm finding the prospect of appearing back in college on Monday morning more than a little dreary.

I'm lagging one year behind my own life's plan and I need to get out of this town...

Saturday 29 January 2011

The Wonderful Flop of Dissocia...

I have reviewed a number of plays on this blog, some huge die-hard acts that played a stint in London's West End and a couple of small-scale but undeniably fabulous affairs, but I have never felt the need to write about one that I did not enjoy wholeheartedly.
This possibly has a lot to do with the fact that I have never been so appalled by a piece of theatre in all my life, I mean, "Chaucer Lives" at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival was so bad it was hilarious and Sarah Kane's "Blasted" did make me feel violently ill, but I have never walked out on a piece of theatre half way through the performance...until yesterday.

I've got to be honest, even before I went I was aware that 'In-Yer-Face' theatre is not my style. I don't like performing in it, I don't particularly like watching it and I certainly don't like I having to spell it like a dyslexic orangutan. I find much of the theatre I've seen in this style is self-appreciative and designed to inflict nightmares upon the audience disguised as a supposedly-powerful and metaphorical message. I believe the likes of Sarah Kane are to theatre what Tracey Emin is to art; in short, glorified polluters.

However, last year I saw "A Wonderful World of Dissocia", directed by Danny Price, at the Sundial Theatre, with the college's own student-populated Youth Theatre. Now, a
dmittedly, goat-rape isn't my favourite thing in the world, but the production was directed with an obvious passion and succeeded in juxtaposing the first act, where there was a laugh for every other line, with the heartbreaking second act so effectively that I was truly drawn in to the whole production.

The reason for all this waffling is that I have an unconditional offer from London South Bank University. Thankfully, I decided to do the clever thing and go to see a production put on by the second years, just to see what I could and should be doing in a year or two. They were putting on a production of "A Wonderful World of Dissocia" and I thought it would be a great opportunity to compare it to my previous experience with the play.
I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in my entire life.
It lacked humour, basic acting technique, all elements of technical design and, worst of all, imagination.

This incomprehensible sensation of being absolutely crushed by what I saw meant I left during the interval, headed to Covent Garden on the Picadilly and proceeded to calm down by letting my charming boyfriend buy me cocktails at Cafe Pacifico.

Usually, I hate bad-mouthing productions. Even with the God-awful production of "Fear and Msery in the Third Reich" I saw last year, I found things to be complimentary about [partly because, I myself, have been in a really God-awful production of the same play]. I am all-too aware how much heart and soul has to go into a performance. Every actor has to work with their director until they've given so much of themselves to a production that the end of its run leaves one feeling as though they're mourning a loss. So I could never bring myself to casually slag off something that could be the entire world to a small band of actors, but I can't find a single thing to compliment. The whole production was done with a roaring arrogance that highlighted the actors' own notion that they had something great. I found no quality in this production endearing, I did not even find it entertaining, I just found it sad. I saw people doing what I want to do, the very thing that I want to pour every ounce of myself into making great, but doing it without any soul, accepting a standard you wouldn't accept in primary school nativity plays when, surely, they could have done so much more. It was heartbreaking.

All in all, I can honestly put by hand on my heart and my middle finger in the air and say that if LSBU end up being the only place available to me next year, I will very politely and oh-so sweetly tell them where that stick their unconditional offer and then remind them that even that won't cause the kind of pain their production had me endure!
Honestly, fuck. That.